About us

Based on dozens of years’ experience in education, research, advisory, asset management and trust service, AFIP aims to provide worldwide corporates, families and high-net-worth individuals professional training and certified courses.

AFIP is the original organizer of Certified Family Wealth Inheritance Planner (CFWIP) course. The course design has the same standard as Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). AFIP provides professional advisory and courses on the role of family wealth inheritance planner, family offices, trusts, asset management in different financial cities around the world such as Hong Kong, Singapore, BVI, United Kingdom and United States.

AFIP has partnered with International Chinese Inheritance Academy (ICIA). ICIA is a leading academy focusing on the Chinese market. It is the exclusive organizer of CFWIP course in Asia. It has offices in Cayman Islands, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and London. ICIA shares the same vision and goals with AFIP – family legacies are sustaining and advanced from one generation to the next.

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