
Certified Family Wealth Inheritance Planner (CFWIP)

Family Inheritance Planner Association holds the course of Certified Family Wealth Inheritance Planner (CFWIP). It has the same standard as Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). CFWIP has 4 certification levels: Basic, Advance, Master and Train the Trainer.


Course goals

The 4 certification levels aim to help and train people who are interested in developing in the family inheritance market. The participants do not need to have specific qualifications or background. The course cultivates professional planners step by step, from beginner to advanced.

The values you will gain through the course

With completion of each level of the course and passing examinations, the participants will receive official recognitions and certifications. The participants also earn professional knowledge in family office, trusts, trust laws, tax laws, financial industry history and financial instruments for wealthy heritage planning.

Course advantages

CFWIP is a leading qualification in the family inheritance market. The course is taught by professional speakers, experienced lawyers, accountants, bankers and financial analysts. They are all well trained and obtain CFWIP Trainer level certification.

Target audience

Anyone who is interested in family wealth inheritance market especially lawyers, wealth planners, accountants, private bankers, investment bankers, family office employees, insurance practitioners, trainers etc.

Course design

Basic level: complete in 2 days

Advance level: complete in 4 days

Master level: complete in 3 weekends

Train the Trainer level: complete in 3 months

The courses include sections of sharing feedbacks with team leaders, sharing the key takeaways, games, Q&A, examinations.


  • The future trends of family heritage, beyond wealth management
  • Modern financial services and heritage wealth solutions
  • To analyse and evaluate the asset management tools – heritage wealth
  • Inheritance planning, beyond financial services
  • The family inheritance and the tax laws
  • Family trust and asset management
  • The heart values of the U.S.A family inheritance planner – make clients’ legacy timeless
  • The case studies of inheritance planning and taxes
  • Family trust, communication and investment strategies

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